BasicCustomizationControlsPluginSvelteContext menuMinimapReroute
This plugin offers a classic preset that comes with visual components for nodes, connections, sockets, and input controls.
Supports latest versions of Svelte: 5, 4 and 3
npm i rete-svelte-plugin rete-render-utils sass
import { AreaPlugin } from "rete-area-plugin";
import { SveltePlugin, Presets, SvelteArea2D } from "rete-svelte-plugin/5"; // or "rete-svelte-plugin" for older versions
type AreaExtra = SvelteArea2D<Schemes>;
// ....
const render = new SveltePlugin<Schemes, AreaExtra>();
Please note that this plugin is intended for client-side use only. Therefore, modules that use it within your *.svelte
modules need to be dynamically imported.
onMount(async () => {
const { createEditor } = await import("./editor");
Check out the Svelte page for an example usage of this render plugin.
This plugin provides built-in controls that are displayed based on the following objects:
as <input type="number" />
or <input type="text" />
Simply add the control to the node
node.addControl('my-control', new ClassicPreset.InputControl("number", {
initial: 0,
readonly: false,
change(value) { }
If you want to add different types of controls, you can return the necessary component in the control
handler of customize
import MyButton from './MyButton.svelte'
customize: {
control(context) {
if (context.payload.isButton) {
return MyButton
if (context.payload instanceof ClassicPreset.InputControl) { // don't forget to explicitly specify the built-in Presets.classic.Control
return Presets.classic.Control;
node.addControl('my-button', { isButton: true, label: 'Click', onClick() {} })
on:pointerdown|stopPropagation={() => null}
This is a simplified version suitable for introductory purposes. For projects, it is recommended to follow the approach demonstrated in the example
Make sure to specify on:pointerdown|stopPropagation
to prevent the area from intercepting events such as click
In a similar manner to the approach outlined above, you can replace node, connection, or socket components.
If you want to completely change the node structure, you can implement your own component similar to Node.svelte from the classic preset
import CustomNode from './CustomNode.svelte'
customize: {
node() {
return CustomNode
The implementation of CustomNode
is available in the CustomNode.svelte file of the Customization for Svelte example.
You can add an extra condition to apply this component only to specific nodes.
customize: {
node(context) {
if (context.payload.label === "Custom") {
return CustomNode;
return Presets.classic.Node;
await editor.addNode(new ClassicPreset.Node('White'))
Use Connection.svelte as a starting point from the presets/classic/components directory of the plugin's source code.
import CustomConnection from './CustomConnection.svelte'
customize: {
connection() {
return CustomConnection
Use Socket.svelte as a starting point from the presets/classic/components directory of the plugin's source code.
import CustomSocket from './CustomSocket.svelte'
customize: {
socket() {
return CustomSocket
In order to customize the context menu for this rendering plugin, one can override styles using selectors (and it's important to consider the specificity of selectors in CSS)
.rete-context-menu {
width: 320px !important;
.block:first-child input {
background: grey;
.block.item {
background: grey;
Check out the complete result on the Customization for Svelte example page.